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MySammy Client Installation Guide
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Installing the MySammy Client Software
The following instructions help you install and configure MySammy software.  The client software should be installed on all machines you want to collect activity data from, unless the MySammy Client Server software has been previously installed.

  1. Browse Your MySammy Management Website ( Example:
  2. Click the Client tab
  3. On Windows XP or above click on the appropriate version for your environment, Download 32 bit or Download 64 bit.
  4. This will lanch the MySammy install wizard, click next.

    MySammy Client Only Install Wizard

  5. After reviewing and agreeing to the Subscription Service, select I accept the terms in the service agreement and privacy policy and cllick next
    Service Agreement and Privacy Policy

  6. Enter the Server Name or IP address of your Communication Server and the listening port for MySammy (default is 4137), then cllick next.
    Communication Server and Port
  7. Click Install to begin the installation of MySammy software.
    Ready to Install the Program
  8. Please wait while the install runs, it will only take a few moments.
  9. Your install is now complete, click Finish.
    MySammy Install Complete


Account Portal Shortcuts

Visit your account portal to run MySammy Manager to view your data or install client on additional workstations.

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